MONSTER river perch – real lumps of 4lb+ – could again be a realistic proposition on the local Ouse!
Sunday’s MKAA match at Stony Stratford saw Steve Schubert banking a 3-14 stripey as part of his 4th-placed 6-6.
Half a decade back, fish knocking the magic 4lb mark were becoming a regular occurrence until suddenly (perhaps due to a year-class dying of old age) the biggies vanished and a two-pounder again became notable.
Last winter saw a resurgence, with 30lb nets of fish into the early 3s. Now this season has seen a number nearing 4lb.
Time to give it a go?
Meadowlands has been on roaring form over the past week. Steve Daly won Sunday’s individual league opener with 57-10 followed by Barry Hilton 47-8 and Graham Brownley 30lb. Pete Randall leads the other individual league.
First round of the teams of three went to Mark Stibbs (Low Downs) on 69-10 ahead of Mick Wheeler (Team Guru) 54-14 and Geoff Ringer (Team Ringer) 49-8. Leading teams: Team Guru and Team Snowy, both 13 points, Scone Zone 17.
Carp are still moving at Stanwick where Craig Waddington had a 23-15 among others from Elsons.
Snow flurries didn’t stop 52 rods turning out for Wellingborough’s George Barker teams of 4 opener on the cut above Foxton. And it was a Browning benefit as the Red’s Craig Bennett won with 5-2-8 ahead of Black’s Tommy Boyce 4-7 and Red’s Ian Drage 3-4-8.
Black lead on 44 points with Red on 40 and non-Browning Hobbs Lot 35.
WHITE Hart Flore, Barby Mill: Dick Spriggs 40lb, Trevor Griffiths 17, Tom Griffiths 13.
CASTLE Ashby: Saturday, Grendon: Pete Lovell 24-4, Mick Hewlett 24lb, Keith Garrett 21lb; Sunday, Scotland, Mick Wheeler 29-14, Clive Cole 16-12, Chris Garrett 12-8.
CASTLE, Canons: Fred Prior 10-10, Jeff Rice 8-14, John Lewis 4-12.
TOWCESTER, Broadwater Tove: Les Goodridge 5-2, John Broughton 2-14, Darren Pannell 1-6.
NENE, Bugbrooke canal: Chris Howard 5lb, Paul Minney and John ‘smiler’ Balhatchett both 3-1.
FLORE & Brockhall, cut at blown-up bridge: a good long healthy walk was spoiled by a four hour match in which no one had so much as a touch!
FIXTURES: Feb 1, Newport river open, 07718 392639. Feb 17, Olney charity river open 01234 240061. May 25, Terrie Tapp memorial, Tofts Farm, Bucko 01327 351780.