Fees charged to street traders in industrial estates and parks in Northampton are set to be increased by 100 per cent, it was revealed today.
A report published ahead of a meeting of the Northampton Borough Council licensing committee on February 11 has recommended that councillors approve a rise in fees charged to street traders such as burger vans and ice cream vans.
If approved, the cost for a street trader in a standard location, such as an industrial park, will rise from £100 to £200 a year for one trading day a week. The cost will then increase to £225 in 2014/15 and £250 in 2015/16.
The council is also planning to introduce a ‘premium rate’ for street traders in locations in the town such as Abington Street, The Drapery and Abington Park.
Traders wanting to sell goods in these locations for one day a week will have to pay £300 a year in 2013/14, £400 in 2014/15 and 3500 in 2015/16.
The licensing committee has also been asked to approve an increase in the annual cost of renewing a taxi licence rise from £45.50 to £50.
Councillor Christopher Malpas, chair of Northampton Borough Council’s licensing committee, said: “The licensing service is needed to ensure that traders and taxi drivers operate safely and in accordance with statutory rules and regulations.
“The service is non-profit making and so we have to recover our costs one way or another.
“Most of the people who took part in the consultation accepted that our fees were a lot less than other towns and so weren’t entirely surprised by what is being proposed.
“Nonetheless we appreciate that if amended, the changes will make a difference to them. If committee approves the increases we will do all we can to work with traders to look at how we can support them. Paying in instalments is one option we could consider.”
If licensing committee approves the proposals the new fees will come into force on April 1 this year.
At the same meeting, the licensing committee is also being asked to review the fees and conditions for holding car boot sales in the town.
Under the pay structure being proposed fees for events with between 21 and 100 pitches will increase by £5, making the cost of an event with 21 to 50 pitches £15, 51 to 75 pitches £20 and 76 to 100 pitches £25.
The charge for smaller events with up to 20 pitches will remain the same at £10.
If licensing committee approves the changes the new conditions it is proposed fees for holding car boot sales will come into force immediately.