WATER temperatures are rising – hard though it may be to believe – bringing more and more hungry carp into feeding mode.
At Osprey’s Lakeside do, Sunday, Mark Carter topped the ‘ton’ with 102lb on pellet as Lol Summers netted 59lb and Ian Millin 49lb.
On Spring Pools Drew Adams banked 84-8. The rest of the White Hart Flore frame was a Griffiths family benefit – Trev on 68lb, Dave 54lb and Tom 44-12.
Meadowlands’ 16 teams of three round went to Glen Maxwell (Lowdowns) on 72lb with team-mate Mark Stibbs 49-8 and Nigel Smith (Tussies) 45lb. Lowdowns won on the day and lead the league.
Towcester vets found Astwell Mill’s roach, midweek. Gerald Green had 21-15, John Balhatchett 17-11 and Tosh Saunders 16lb. But Sunday’s club sweep was another thing as Darren Pannell had 6-7, Grenville Read 4-7 and Les Goodridge 3-12.
With the floods (temporarily) gone, were are the fish now? Last week’s raging Tove torrents ‘restocked’ the cut at Stoke through Grafton with, for the moment, fairly naive chub and dace. But floodwater pouring out of the cut will have taken some of its roach and bream into the river downstream of the influx...and on to the Ouse.
Olney’s hefty railway sleeper bridge, twice washed away by floods, has been found caught up in an Ouse-side tree. Now all they have to do is get a lorry across a boggy field to recover it... Start again lads, and this time fix it down – wood FLOATS, right?!
NEWPORT, Ouzel open: Mark Haynes (15-13 roach and dace), Martin Greene 13-11, Steve Rose 8-2.
CASTLE Ashby: midweek Grendon, Bob Reed 39-12, Gary Millward 35-4, Alan West 28-12; Saturday brickyard, Keith Garratt 28-10, Reed 22-8, Mick Hewlett 19-14; Sunday Grendon, Dave Martin 32-4, Paul Hardman 30-12, Richard Dunkley 28-12.
MAKINS, pole league: Phil Hull 29-12, Colin Lane 26-4, Pete Randall 24-10.
BISHOPS Bowl open: John Waples 20-8, Pete Upon 8-12, Dave Smart 4-14.
CASTLE AA, ‘Ashby: Ian Drage 7-1, Alan West 6-12, John Lewis 5-15.
FINEDON, Bugbrooke cut: Sam Corteze 5-7, Paul Brand 4-13, Jeff Eade 2-10.
NENE, long pound, Stoke cut: Bas Eaton 3-14, Dave Gibbins 3-6, Pete Lawton 2-12.
FLORE & Brockhall, Muscott Mill canal: Gareth Abrahams 1-3-8, Ray Ayres 0-2-8, Steve Smith 0-1-8. Another action-packed day down at the minnow pond...
FIXTURES: Feb 17 Olney river open, 01234 240061.