Have you seen them? They’ve been waited for a long time, but it’s just possible that the green shoots of recovery are now visible. What’s more, they’re not only economic – they’re social too. It might sound trite, but I genuinely think that we are on the verge of significant change for the better. I also think that the evidence for it is becoming more apparent as the year unfolds. It already surrounds us if we take the opportunity to look – and it can be found in some pretty unlikely places.
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of talking to the ladies of the Women’s Institute at their county headquarters. There are 126 separate groups making up the organisation in Northamptonshire. If you choose to you can make the mistake of buying in to the stereotype of the WI – but to do so would massively underestimate the intent, potential and activities of a group which does so much. It’s not about jam, Jerusalem and bigger buns – the ladies do a tremendous amount for the good of the county and us within it, and they do it through direct action. In so doing, the current generation of members influences the next to continue the example and develop from it. As such, theirs is a political organisation – not politicised perhaps, but certainly an organisation which is of the people of the county and is itself of Northamptonshire.
On Tuesday night I went to the official launch of the new “Love Northampton” tourist guide at the Guildhall. The launch co-incided with the first anniversary of the www.lovenorthampton.co.uk website going live. The launch was a pretty corporate affair, aimed at getting business to buy into the notion of supporting the identity of the county town and its heritage. As a publication I’m very much in favour of what it contains – including the advertising which has paid for the vast majority of it. It’s a document that will need regular updating but as it evolves it will do the job of representing us to an audience far beyond the borough – I think congratulations are due. The partners who have put the guide together want it to help boost economic tourism in the town – those tourists should include us too – seeking out the very things that make the place what it is instead of taking Northampton for granted. It’s too easy to trot out negatives – by celebrating the positives we collectively make a statement which invites others to take a look and join in too.
My third example has been talked about a lot recently as a bit of a cause celebre. One of the measures of a community is its social contribution via the arts. Northampton having its own Cultural Quarter sounds a little strange right now perhaps, but with time and familiarity it has the potential to take the excellent artistic work of individuals and groups throughout the town (not just in Guildhall Road) and project the viability of the place to others at a national level. Right now it MUST be encouraged and nurtured by everyone - educators, politicians and us. Use it - or we’ll lose it.
Northampton was recently highlighted as one of the most successful towns to bounce back from the recession. I suggest that the town did nothing of the sort. Instead the PEOPLE of the town did the bouncing. For shoots, perhaps read thin threads. Those threads need to pull together – because as they do, they’ll pull more strongly, for the common good.
This Valentine’s Day we all have something to love.