IT would be remiss not to signpost you all to not one but TWO Gonzo stories this week. Both of them characteristically odd, to say the least.
Firstly, we had the very well placed Tory who blabbed to Aufona about Adam’s Park, the green space in East Hunsbury, named after Gonzo’s son, who also happened to be on the planning team. At the age of eight.
And then there’s Gonzo popping up to sign off a £3,379 donation to #PCC Simmonds’ election campaign.
Considering how he seems to have fallen out of favour with his own boss, Norman Hacker, after seeming to back the police/fire merger – (or police/fire/ambulance merger or no merger at all?) – it might look a bit strange. Luckily for him, however, he was just acting as treasurer for Northampton South Tories rather actually making a personal donation to get young Adam elected. A brace of delicious stories there then, prominently positioned in this fine edition, and ones the voters will doubtless mull over carefully before marking their cross on May 2.
SEMLEP rarely features here as we find ourselves addicitively drawn to the goings-on of NEP, purveyors of a council tax-funded Brussels office. But after tweeting they had a new CEO on Tuesday, we had to repeat its Twitter handle was indeed, a letter-shy @SouthEastMidlan. To which @johnpalethorpe replied: ‘UKSEMLEP, SEMLEPUK, SEMidsLEP available, although semlep already taken. Bizarre social media decision’. Quite.