Officers across Northamptonshire are taking part in a European speed enforcement campaign this week.
The TISPOL campaign sees the majority of police forces across the continent taking part in the same operation at the same time.
In Northamptonshire, officers from the Operations Tactical Unit, Safer Community Teams and the Safer Roads Team will all be out-and-about throughout the week tackling those motorists who have been found to be speeding.
The police mobile speed vans will also be out across the county in those areas where speeding is an issue.
Operations Superintendent Sean Bell, said: “We tackle speeding motorists on a daily basis, however, this campaign will see an increase in officers focussing on the issue.
“We will have members of our Safer Community Teams out in their locally identified speeding ‘hotspot’ areas with hand held monitoring devices to check that people are not driving with excess speed.
“Officers from our Operations Tactical Unit and Safer Roads Team will be taking part in operations at different locations across the county, including red routes, where a high level of fatal or serious injury road traffic collisions take place.”
Supt Bell said it is in the interests of every road user for motorists to adhere to the speed limit.
He said: “Speed limits are not targets, it is always important that people drive appropriately to the conditions they face. Keeping to the speed limit can make the difference between life and death.”
If you are found to be speeding you could be issued with a fine and three points on your drivers’ licence or choose to attend a Speed Awareness Course instead of the fine.
Or, in cases where the motorist is found to be travelling at speeds much greater than the speed limit, required to attend court, where you could face a larger fine, be banned from driving or be imprisoned.
Northamptonshire County Council has made a contribution towards the cost of some of the work Safer Community Teams will be doing during the week.
Councillor Andre Gonzalez De Savage, county council cabinet member for infrastructure and public protection, said: “Reducing casualties on the county’s roads is a priority for the county council and we will continue to work with our partners to achieve this aim.
“This targeted approach to tackling speeding is the best use of the resources we have available and will go a long way to influence the way we drive in a positive way.”