Northamptonshire's police and crime commissioner wants to know what the county's residents think should be the top priorities for the police and fire service.
New plans are being drawn up for what issues the county's police, fire and rescue services should make their priority.
Now, a consultation has been launched to ask Northamptonshire's residents what they think needs more focus.
In both plans, PCC Stephen Mold has outlined his priorities for actions that he thinks will help create a safer county, along with the activities that will help to achieve them. People are invited to have their say on the plans and whether they agree with the priorities for action.
He said: “I really want people to tell me what they think of these plans and priorities. My role is to be the voice of the public in policing and crime and the fire and rescue service and I am committed to ensuring that local people are able to make their opinions count."
The consultation survey is available online at the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner website.
It will close on March 4.
The Fire and Rescue Plan aims to set out the standards that the public can expect from the Fire and Rescue Service in the county. The plan includes closer joint working with Northamptonshire Police and the sharing of buildings and enabling services.
This consultation gives people the opportunity to give their views on the Fire & Rescue Service’s Integrated Risk Management Plan, which identifies the risks of fires and incidents in the county and outlines how the service would respond to them.