Northamptonshire County Council is consulting on painting yellow lines on all junctions with Billington Street in Abington. It means 16 corners would be altered, affecting Artizan Road, Whitworth Road, Adams Avenue, Bostock Avenue, Stimpson Avenue.
It comes after concerns were raised about parked cars near the junctions blocking the view of drivers.
But residents have said the measures would go too far. The yellow lines would mean the equivalent of 70 parking spaces would be out of bounds.
Martin DeSouza, of Artizan Road, said: "I get what they're saying - it can be dangerous but what they're proposing is ridiculous.
"You're making it literally impossible for residents to park anywhere, never mind near their own homes. It's incredibly shortsighted."
Notices about the consultation have been affixed to four lampposts along Billington Street, but many residents who will be affected have been unaware of the plans until informed by their neighbours in the last few days.
With the consultation closing on Thursday (Feb 14), some are now attempting to get the word out so residents can have their say.
One woman who lives on Artizan Road said: "Even now neighbours have heated arguments in the street about spaces. When you're trying to get your shopping in and you're being beeped at, it gets out of hand.
"But this will make all that worse."
She added: "If this is about safety, they need to think about how safe it is for women to have to park streets away then walk home late at night alone."
A spokesman for Northamptonshire County Council said: “Following complaints about accidents caused by parked cars around junctions and at the request of the local county councillor, we are currently consulting on proposals for double yellow lines around junctions in the Billington Street area of Northampton.
“The public notice consultation closes this Thursday, February 14. Anyone who wants to have their say should put their comments in writing to: Traffic Orders Section, Northants Highways, Old Harborough Road, Brixworth, NN6 9BX.”