Plans which could see a vacant Northampton office block and part of BBC Radio Northampton’s headquarters converted into student flats have been revealed.
Proposals have been submitted to Northampton Borough Council by Nottingham-based MRP Developments to create 94 student flats at the top end of Abington Street.
The scheme would see a vacant five storey office block next to the BBC’s headquarters converted into student apartments.
A further eight flats would also be created on the second floor of the BBC building in a space which is no longer used by the broadcaster.
In documents submitted to the borough council, the developers said the offices were no longer viable as business premises and would be more suited to student flats following the University of Northampton’s announcement of plans to move into the town centre.
MRP Developments, which owns the collection of buildings, said: “We have decided to pursue a scheme for conversion of the vacant elements of the building to residential apartments for rent.
“In particular, due to the recent announcement by the University of Northampton of their proposed campus relocation to the former Avon site at Nunn Mills Road, we have designed an apartment scheme which is targeted at the student market.”
The development would also see student flats created above the Nationwide and Kall-Kwik shops in Abington Street.
The basement beneath the 1960s office block would be used as a cycle storage area, while four parking spaces would be provided for the BBC and Nationwide staff.
Plans for the development have been put together by the building’s owners after initial proposals to convert the office block into a primary school were not supported by Northamptonshire County Council.
The developers have said they hope the conversion of the building into student flats would help with the regeneration of the town centre.