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Down Your Way: Your weekly guide to village events


Here’s you weekly guide to what’s going on in villages across Northampton in the coming week.

The deadline for contributions is noon on the Friday prior to publication


Linda Billingham

01604 627611

The Mobile Library will be calling at Burlington Court Apartments, in Roseholme Road, on May 23, from 3.30pm–4pm.

Northampton Health Walks meet every Friday, at The Park Cafe, Abington Park, from noon–1pm. There is no charge for this and it’s a good way to keep fit and meet new people.

If anyone has any items for the ‘Whats On’ feature in the local magazine, Abington and Around, please contact Bev on 07747632918, before May 14 for the next edition.


Jane Percival

01604 858478

Blisworth Heritage Society had an entertaining evening at April’s meeting when broadcaster and writer, Nick Warliker, spoke on One Hundred Years of Gardening. The head gardener to the Duke of Norfolk and Princess Alice at Barnwell for 25 years, Nick moved on to Paddington Nurseries when they relocated to Kensington Palace in 1994. He has an Open University degree in history which is his other passion and so very appropriate to the group. During his talk, Nick told how such factors as the use of electricity, computerised watering and the whole industry of the garden centre made gardening how it is today. However he emphasised that the biggest innovation over 100 years was the iniquitous and cheap – and very horrid – plastic plant pot.

Once again the Blisworth Art Show was a great success. Visitors really appreciated the artistic abilities and the very varied media used by the many contributors. Maggie Turton would like to thank everyone who helped and all the visitors, especially those who made a purchase. Proceeds will go to Blisworth Scouts.

The FA Cup final is on Saturday, May 11 and Blisworth FC invites fans to the clubhouse at the playing field, which will be open from 1pm. The coverage on the big screen begins at 4pm and the kick off is at 5.15pm. For general enquiries about youth football or the three senior teams, call 
Simon Curry on 07545 568900.

Take a stroll down to the Tunnel Spinney at the mouth of the canal tunnel, where the wild flowers are just coming into growth. Members of the Garden Club joined Canal Partnership volunteers clearing the bank by the Brick Hut on Saturday morning so there is lots going on. Planning for the Canal Festival is continuing too. Watch out for details of the next open meeting on village noticeboards this month.

A Jazz & Dine Evening with Tad Newton’s Jazz Friends will take place at The Walnut Tree on Friday, May 17 from 7.30pm. Special guest is rising star Amy Roberts. The cost, including a meal, is £20. To book, call Northampton 858549.


Community Centre

07891 239472

Boothville Residents Association’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14, starting at 7.30pm. This is open to all local residents.

On May 14 (second Tuesday of the month), we will be holding our Monthly Lunch Club for people living on their own in the Boothville area. If you would like to join us for a two-course, home-cooked meal together with some really good company, then call us on 07891 239472 to book your place.

Wednesday, May 22 is our monthly fish & chips lunch. This is open to anyone to join in, whether you are on your own, a couple or group of friends. You will need to place your order and pay by Saturday, May 18, so again call us on 07891 239472.

Boothville Community Choir would again like to thank the community for their support at last week’s concert which raised £203 for Workbridge and £203 for Water for Africa. Songs and readings took the audience on a worldwide tour and the audience joined in with the singing too.

Boothville Community Church has an afternoon tea, in support of Christian Aid, this Saturday from 2.30pm–4.30pm in the community centre.


John Haywood

01604 880635

The next Friends of Brixworth Library quiz night is on Friday, May 17 at 7.30pm at the library, when everyone is welcome. Tickets are £2.50 per quiz team member, with a maximum of four persons per team. Refreshments will be available for a donation to the Friends, who now aim to meet once a month.


David Harries

01604 830117

The next Bugbrooke Art Group Exhibition takes place this Saturday and Sunday at the Community Centre between 11am–5pm. As usual there will be plenty of paintings on display and hand-painted cards for sale. Entrance is free.

Bugbrooke Strollers meet at the church car park at 10am. today for a short drive to Everdon Stubbs and a walk via Snorscombe.

Nether Heyford Singers present The Joy of Spring, a concert in Nether Heyford Village Hall at 7.30pm tomorrow and Saturday. Tickets are £5 for adults and £2.50 for under-12s. For the Friday concert, call 01327 340852 for tickets, and for the Saturday concert call 01327 340661.

The two Bugbrooke Cricket clubs meet for their annual (friendly!) match at the Playing Fields from 1.30pm this Saturday.

The Music Appreciation Group usually meets every other Monday at 10.30am in Jubilee House. The next session, entitled Summer is A-Comin’ In, will be on Monday, May 13. Enjoy two hours of live and recorded music with Brian Astell. Admission is £1. Previous sessions have covered variations on The Ash Grove and works by Mozart, Bach, Haydn and Schumann.

The Women’s Institute will be considering resolutions for national debate at their meeting from 7.30pm on Monday at the Sunday school.

The next Voyage of Light Clairvoyant meeting will be held from 7.45pm on Tuesday, May 14 at the community centre, when the guests will be Jim Cant and Tony Ryder. Entrance is £5, including refreshments. For further information, call 07788 737052.


Maggie Irvine

01604 891059

The next meeting of the Ladies Fellowship is on Tuesday, May 14 at 7.30pm in St. Peter’s Centre, when Elizabeth Hopes will give an illustrated talk on Lamport Hall. All ladies are welcome. Entry fee for visitors is £3.

Cogenhoe and Whiston Heritage Society will meet on Wednesday, May 15 at 7.30pm in the York Room at Cogenhoe Village Hall. Tony Noble will give a talk entitled The Royal Yacht Britannia. For seven years, Tony was the leading radio operator on the yacht. He will share his experiences with us and give a fascinating insight into this iconic ship. Admission for members is £1 and £3 for visitors.


Alison Martin

03001 261000

THIS Saturday, the 11th Northampton Company Boys Brigade hold their Spring Fayre at the Orchard in Church Way, from 2pm.

St Francis Church, in Eastfield Road, have a plant sale, cake stall and refreshments on Saturday, May 11 from 10am–noon,admission is free.

Duston Ramblers have their next walk on Sunday at 9.30am, meeting shortly before start time at the Duston Community centre. For details contact David Billingham 01604 757902.

The Not So Dusty Club meets on Tuesday, May 14, from 10am–noon at Duston Community Centre.There will be a talk by farmer’s wife, Rosemary Cobalt.

The Duston Tea Dance group hold their next dance on Tuesday, May 14 at Duston United Reformed Church rooms from 2pm–4pm. Entry is £2.

The Sugar and Spice Club meets on Tuesday, May 14 when Howard Corn presents Music of the 1950s Part 2. For further details contact Northampton 755583. Meetings commence at 7.45pm at Duston Community Centre.

New Duston Townswomen’s Guild have a meeting on Thursday, May 16 at 7.45pm at Duston Community Centre, when Alyson Rocket will be demonstrating recycled paper jewellery. For details contact 01604 752760.

Duston United Reformed Church, in Main Road, has a Christian Aid supper and quiz this Saturday, starting at 6.30pm. Adults £6 and children £4. Please ring 07855 345883. They also have a fashion show by Just Trading on Saturday, May 18 from 7.30pm. Tickets are £3.50 on the door or from 01604 755370/753749/582994.


Tony Mallard

01604 407179

Last week I attended an emergency meeting, with 250 people. The meeting was called by Lakeview Residents Association with regard to the proposed change of use for the now derelict care home in Churchill Avenue. After two years the site has been purchased by a prospective landlord from overseas with the intention to convert it into a 40 bedroom hostel or night shelter with further accommodation for living quarters for two families and employees. From information received the intention is for an emergency hostel which will be open 24/7, but visitors having to leave at 11pm. Modern thinking is that such hostels should be close to town centres, with easy access to social services advice and public transport. Apparently this proposal would have gone through, but for the intervention of Lakeview Residents Association and Michael Ellis MP. It now has to go before the planning committee in June or July.

The Veterans Social Club at The Headland pub is planning a free day trip to the seaside for its members in May. Membership of this club is only £3 a year, with different free entertainment every Thursday from 12.30pm–4pm.


Barbara Isaac

01604 762480

IT’S Local and Community History Weekend on May 25–26 and people can enjoy tours and displays at Delapre Abbey, from noon–4pm. This will be a chance to find out more about Northamptonshire’s history and heritage from local groups and societies. For more information, see the website www.delapreabbey.org or call 708675.

All the business yards which covered the first and second fields at Ransome Road have now all been flattened. However, people are still able to walk along there and walk round to the Abbey Tea Room for a cup of tea.


Judy Webster

01604 862809

Hartwell Conservative Club is hosting a Beer Festival from tomorrow (from 5pm) which also runs on Saturday (from noon)and Sunday (noon–11pm). There will be a barbecue and a race night will take place on Saturday. There are 10 beers and two traditional ciders.

Parents of children starting school in September 2014 are invited to have a tour of the school and meet the headteacher, Mrs Clancy, on Tuesday, July 9 at 9.45am.Please ask for Mrs Morley at the school office (01604 862880) to reserve a place.

Hartwell Summer Stroll walks take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month, starting from outside Hartwell Primary School at 6.30pm.Each walk varies in time and distance, however most last 60–90 minutes. There is no need to book, just turn up on the day. You don’t need any special equipment, but please wear appropriate footwear. For more details, contact George (walk leader)on 01604 864100 or Colin Hull on 01327 322337 or e-email Colin.hull@southnorthants.gov.uk

Church Coffee Mornings take place this month on in May 16, 23 and 30, in the church from 10am–11.15am.

This year’s plant sale and coffee morning in aid of church funds will be held at Grange Farm House on Saturday, May 18, from 10am–2.30pm.

The Five Ways Barbershop Harmony Club returns by popular demand to the church on June 7 at 7.30pm. More details to follow.

Benifice Communion will be held at Hartwell at 7.30pm this evening (Thursday). Other church services this month are Sunday, May 12, with Morning Praise at 10am; Sunday, May 19, 9.15am for Parish Communion; and Sunday, May 26, 10am for Morning Praise.

If you fancy jazzing it up now the evenings are lighter, you will be made very welcome by Hart and Soul Choir who meet at the community centre every Friday from 7.45pm–9pm. For more information, contact Alex Preston at hartandsoul@hartwellcommunitycentre.com or call 07887 928101.

We have a special event in the park a week on Saturday. We have been asked by the pocket parks officer to take part in a county council project about the development of urban wildflower meadows. We have 370 plants from the project and an additional 150 we have bought are due to arrive. The council project has given us field scabious, knapweed and yellow rattle. We need a lot of help to get these plants into the ground on May 11, so we’re holding a special event with special activities for children (bird box building, treasure hunt, tree recognition trail, log bank building, minibeast hunting etc) as well as encouraging lots of people to get involved in the planting. As an extra inducement we’re offering a free cream tea, drinks and other refreshments. Full details are on the poster attached. Please come along if you can. And, if you have one to hand, do bring a trowel.


New 2 You Shop

01604 781246

The next public meeting of the Kings Heath Residents Association will be on Thursday, May 30 at 8pm in the Nene Drive Community Room, Nene Drive.

The New 2 You community charity shop in Park Square, Kings Heath is open 10.30am–1.30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Apart from new season’s clothes, bargain rails and hundreds of good quality books, the shop has lots of other items as well.

This Sunday, Church on the Heath will host its first Service of Healing at 4pm, followed by light refreshments. The service will have special significance for all those struggling in health and in life. The service should last about 45 minutes.

Children and Youth Activities at Church on the Heath are planned for Thursday evenings. Contact 01604 453598 for details.


Rob Kendall

01604 711317

Kingsley Park Methodist Church have their Spring Fair this Saturday from 10am-1pm. There will be a variety of stalls including light lunches, all in aid of church funds and all welcome.

St. Matthews Ladies group next meets on Monday, May 13 for their 50th Anniversary Celebrations.

Tickets are now available for Masque Theatre’s production of John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre from May 14–18, performed nightly at 7.30pm. Tickets can be booked on 07586 288793, or by email on tickets@masquetheatre.co.uk or in person from A Most Marvellous Place to Shop, in Abington Square.

The Bank Holiday Fun Fair on The Racecourse by The White Elephant continues until May 19. All rides £1.


Sarah Watts

01604 510778

Kingsthorpe North Meadows Charitable Trust is carrying out a bird survey on Sunday, May 12 at its reserve between 7am–9.30am. Booking is required to take part on 07921 941734

A table top sale will take place at Holy Trinity Church Room on Saturday, May 18, from 10am. Tables are £6 and can be booked on 711574 or 711597.

A date for your diary: St. Aidan’s annual garden party will take place this year on Saturda, June 1, starting at noon in the grounds of Good Shepherd School.

Kingsthorpe Jazz at the King William IV on Wednesday, May 15 will feature The Nighthawks with material from the jazzier end of R ‘n’ B.

Faith and Fun will hold a car wash and cake sale at the St. David’s coffee morning in Eastern Avenue on Saturday, May 18 between 10am–noon. A car wash is £3.

Thornton Park celebrates its 75th anniversary as a public park next year. The Friends already have photographs of the official opening, but would like information on the opening of Thornton Park in 1939. Can you help? If so, please contact Christine Teulon on 711755.

Well done to Andrew Shipley, who completed the London Marathon in a time of 4 hours and 11 minutes. He raised nearly £5,000 for the Northamptonshire & Warwickshire Air Ambulance and donations are still coming in.


Delia King

01327 843427

The next two health walks will be 60-minute walks, today at 2.30pm and a longer walk (up to 90 minutes) on Friday, May 24 at 10.30am. These start from the library.

A car boot sale will be held at Long Buckby Football Club, on the sports field, this Sunday from 10am–1pm. Sellers can arrive at 9am. Cars cost £5, vans cost £9. No need to book.

Long Buckby Library now has a garden, provided by the efforts of the Library Supporters Group. Come along for the opening this Sunday at 2pm to see this lovely garden and seating area for library users.

On Saturday, May 18 there will be an afternoon cream tea from 2pm–4pm at St Lawrence’s Church school rooms, in aid of World Challenge.

There will be a guided village walk of Spratton on Wednesday, May 22 with the Natural History Society, meeting at the church at 7.15pm. www.longbuckbymuseum.co.uk


Shaun Hope

01604 858395

There will be a parish council meeting on Tuesday, May 14, at 7.30pm in Raynsford House. The last meeting noted that new bins will be given to each household, with deliveries in South Northamptonshire starting in June. It is not clear when our village delivery will happen. Black boxes will be replaced by a new blue wheeled bin for all recycled material and two new silver bins will be delivered for food waste, with a small bin for the kitchen and a larger wheeled bin for outside. The silver waste bin will be emptied weekly. The change to Tuesday for collections has gone smoothly and avoids the disruption caused by Bank Holidays.

A reminder that the WI meets this evening, at 7.30pm in Milton Village Hall to discuss their resolutions, followed by a social evening.

This Sunday, the ACU Maxxis British Motocross Championships are due to be held at the motocross track.

The next meeting of the Milton Malsor Historical Society will be next Thursday, May 16, at 7.30pm at Raynsford House with a talk entitled ‘The Wireless Schoolmaster’.

Milton FC have their last match of the season on Tuesday, with the team at home to Roade at 6.30pm.


Angela Campling

01604 644280

Moulton Players present The Lady in the Van, by Alan Bennett, all this week (until May 11) at their theatre in Cross Street, from 7.30pm nightly.

This Saturday, Moulton & District Gardeners’ Society are holding a plant sale and coffee morning at the village hall, from 10.30am–noon.

The next two outings arranged by the Gardeners’ Society are a day trip to Hidcote Manor and Adams Farm on May 19 and an evening visit to Bliss Lane Nursery and gardens in Flore for 7pm. If you are interested, contact Sarah Bedding on Northampton 645875.

Tomorrow, Moulton History Society will enjoy an illustrated talk by Ruth Thomas on ‘The Ancient Egyptian Collection in Northampton Museum’. It starts at 7.30pm in Moulton Working Men’s Club.

Christian Aid Week runs from May 12–18 May, so please give generously to the volunteers at your door.

On Monday, May 13, there will be another Alzheimer’s Society Memory Cafe at Carey Baptist Church Hall from 2pm–4 pm for social interaction for people with dementia, their carers, family or friends.

Also on May 13, The Artichoke Inn will hold a Folk Jam Session from 8pm–11 pm.

The Sing and Sign Baby Class will again take place at the village hall on Tuesday, May 14 at 10am and 11am, and also on May 15 at 1 pm and 2pm.

The Afternoon WI will meet at the Guide Hall at 2.30pm on May 14 to discuss their resolutions.

The Evening WI meets on the evening of May 14, at the village hall, for a talk by Boyd Gilmour on ‘It could only happen to a wedding photographer’, at 7.45pm

There will be a ‘Christianity Explored’ course at the Cafe @jgallery on May 15 at 7.45pm.

The Moulton Festival takes place from May 12–19 and full details can be seen in Moulton Scene (available in Moulton shops now.) Events include: Sunday, May 12 – Fun Run, meeting at TheWhite Lion, 11.45am; Tuesday, May 14–Sunday. May 19 – Art Exhibition in Village Autos, Stocks Hill, opens 6pm on Tuesday, then daily 2pm–8pm; Sat & Sun 10am–4 pm; Wed, May 15 – Exhibition of photos from the Bob Eady Collection and History Group DVD at Moulton Parish Church, 7pm–9pm; Thurs, May 16 – Hanging Basket Demonstration at Guide Hall, Barlow Lane, 7pm for 7.30pm start, cost £5 including glass of wine; Friday, May 17 – Folk Song Night in Festival Marquee in Primary School Field, 8pm featuring Ashley Hutchings and Blaire Dunlop, Prince of Wales Rattlers, Fabian Holland and others. Tickets £10 from 646818 or £15 on the door. Festival Saturday events begin in the public gardens with the children’s bower competition and the crowning of the May Queen before a full day of events. There will be stalls in the public gardens and primary school site, Scout Hall, Church Centre. A table top sale at the Guide Hall from 10am–3pm; Carnival Parade starts at 1.30pm in Pound Lane; with a massed display by all Morris teams in Public Gardens at 4.30pm. The day culminates in the Festival Barn dance in the Festival Marquee with Tickled Pink, £5 on the door. On the Sunday, there will be Morris Dancing outside the Parish Church at noon and Songs of Praise at Carey Church at 4pm.


Elizabeth Dyke

01604 863205

THIS Saturday there is a dance with a difference, with sequence, pop and rock ‘n’ roll, at Roade Village Hal, starting 8pm, Take your own drinks, nibbles and friends. Contact Ron for tickets on 01604 661458.

Roade Royal British Legion meet in The Cock on Monday at 7pm. Members welcome.

Roade Parish Council meets in the village hall on Monday at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend; agendas are posted on the noticeboards and in the library, and on the website www.roadeparishcouncil.co.uk

Roade and Quinton Old Folks Fund meet at 7.15pm on Tuesday, May 15 in The Cock pub to draw the monthly Tote. The prizes are 1st £150. 2nd £90. 3rd £70. Should anyone wish to join please contact me on the number above and I will be able to give you the information needed.

Roade Evergreen Club meets in The Cripps House on Monday at 2pm. This week we have bingo followed by a cuppa and one of Dorothy’s home-made cakes. This is a group for the over-60 to enjoy.

St.Mary’s Church events for the week: Saturday is a home produce sale, starting 10am. Please take your goodies along about 9.30am for the sale. All proceeds in aid of Christian Aid; Sunday is All Age service at 10.30am, followed by the Benefice Youth group at 6.30pm; Tuesday, May 14 is Holy Communion at 9.30am, and Wednesday is Whist Drive night in the church hall starting 7.15pm.

The flea market will return to the village hall on Saturday, May 18, doors open at 9am–1pm. To book a stall email chocloate.addict@hotmail.com or call 01604 706134 and www.seekersfairs.webs.com

Roade Methodist Church’s service in this Sunday is Church Anniversary, at 10.30am.

Ashton has Sunday School in the church this Sunday at 10.30am.


Steve McCarthy

01604 830321

THE Women’s Institute’s next meeting will be on Monday, May 20. There will be a debate as to whether or not to vote for this year’s resolution which is “to urge the Government to stop the decline of our high streets and town centres”. This will be followed by a social time and supper. Members are asked to take a small plate of food for the buffet.

The village newsletter editor has changed. Phil Crowe will be the editor in future and all items for inclusion must be sent to him at p.crowe111@btinternet.com or phone 830577. He is also looking for volunteers to photocopy and deliver them.

A table top sale takes place on Saturday, May 25 in the village hall from 1pm–4pm. To book a table, call 831020 and it will cost £5 per table.

A Teddy Bears Picnic takes place on the same Saturday from 2.30pm–4.30pm in the church grounds or inside if it rains. The cost is £3 per person and it is advisable to book in advance by calling AJ on 07954 970799 or Carol 831898.

There will be a Quiz Night on Friday, May 31 at 7pm. Entries will cost £12 for a team of four. Please call 831020.

If you’re interested in volunteering to spruce up the church, inside and out, please come along on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm. Phone Lindsay on 830857 or Val 832422 for more information.

Would you be interested in volunteering to help with the village tea shop once a week in the church? If so, either call Val on 832422 or go onto the website.

For news and comments on activities within the village please use the village website www.rothersthorpe.info


Dorothy Moore

01327 351629

The concert performed at Towcester Methodist Church provided some very inspiring and beautiful music. Thanks go to Northampton Central Corps Songsters for it. Due to a very generous donation of £100, the collection raised £163.30 and £100 was donated to the Salvation Army and £63.30 went to church funds.

The next Towcester Farmtomorrow (Friday) on the Richmond Road car park from 9am–1.30pm. Fourteen traders have booked. The Market is organised by Towcester & District Lions Club as a service to the local community and all rents received from the traders are used to support local charitable causes.

Following the choir’s successful Easter concerts at St Lawrence and Paulerspury churches, Towcester Choral Society (TCS) are now rehearsing for the spring concerts to be held at St Mary’s Church, Whittlebury, On June 18, and at Towcester Town Hall, on Tuesday, June 25 and Friday, June 28. Helen Swift, the musical director of TCS has put together an exciting programme based on the theme, A Night At The Movies. To create an atmospheric evening at the Town Hall, performing on both evenings with TSC will be Velvet Brass, a small ensemble mof musicians from some of the finest brass bands in the country, including Grimethorpe Colliery, Desford Colliery, Virtuosi GUS and the Fairey Band. The programme features well-known medleys from Les Miserables, Mamma Mia, The Phantom of the Opera, James Bond, Disney movie magic, and Lord of the Rings. All concerts start at 7.30pm. Admission is £8 adults and £4 for under-16s. To reserve tickets email publicity@
towcesterchoralsociety.org.uk or telephone 01327 860742.

Wootton & 
East Hunsbury

Judith Lee

01604 761553

The Friends of Hunsbury Library are holding a coffee morning on Saturday from 10am-noon at the Library. Refreshments will be available.

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