Every day this month the Chron is teaming up with the Northampton Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) to feature a ‘Business of the Day’ – giving you more information about an independent firm in the town.
Today, we highlight Derngate Gym in Derngate
Derngate Gym was one of the first gyms to open in Northampton, blazing a trail for several more to follow in the years ahead as fitness became the buzz word for an entire generation.
It opened in 1986 and is owned by Marie Boullemier who took over after she and her partners sold their newspaper, the Northants Post.
Marie and General Manager Sally Ashby have built up the business to more than 1,200 members.
It has the biggest ladies only hi-tech gym in Northampton, plus a large mixed gym and a weights room.
Mrs Ashby said: “The secret of our success is that we really care about our members. We’re friendly and unintimidating and our staff are dedicated.”
The recently refurbished dance studio runs classes seven days a week including: Zumba, Thai Bo,
Funky Step, Pilates, Legs, Bums and Tums, Yoga, Tai Chi, Body conditioning and 50+ Healthy Hearts Club.
There is also a very successful slimming club called The Body Fat Challenge where for five weeks members get a personal trainer twice a week for an hour, plus a sensible eating plan and unlimited free classes.
It costs just £80 for five and the next course starts on Monday, August 26 and as it’s limited to 30 it’s advisable to book early.
SPECIAL OFFER: Quote discount code ‘CHRONGYM’ and get 10 per cent off the Body Fat Challenge (normally £80) and 10 per cent off membership to join the club = £10.99 a month for gold; £11.75 for deluxe.
Derngate Gym
9, Derngate, Northampton
01604 639248