WHILE Norman Hacker pulls up another chair at top table for Farmer Boardman, spare a thought for the heads of the three directorates,
Tony Ciaburro, Alex Hopkins and Charlie McNally. Once upon a time, there were more directorates and fewer cabinet members so when an elected member wanted to pop in for a chat, all was well.
Now, post-Farmer Boardman, Charlie McNally (for example) will have yet another face to deal with and that’s without even considering all the assistant cabinet members. It’s not for Aufona to suggest it’s a case of too many cooks, but some might...
PS: Always rely on Chris Heaton-Harris to keep us smiling through the Tory conference. This tweeted gag - ‘The grim reaper came for me last night, but I fought him off with a vacuum cleaner. Talk about Dyson with death!’ - was voted worst of the day by the Daily Mail. But we preferred: ‘Brixworth chippy has started using magazines instead of newspaper. I’m eating them out of house and home’. Keep ‘em coming.