THE Mack deftly handled the odd potential pitfall during last Friday’s Chron webcast where he gamely sat and took online questions from readers.
Like the Market Square fountain – “I wouldn’t have designed the fountain the way it is and I inherited this from the Lib Dems. But it would cost too much now to change it significantly so I have a tough decision when I get that report” – or on Andrew Mitchell.
Yes or no, should he be fired for “Plebgate”: “It is difficult to know in the situation because there are conflicting accounts of what happened. I do think the whole thing was unfortunate and the Chief Whip should never become the story, so we’ll see what happens next week when Parliament comes back”. And so on.
In his final question he surprisingly admitted he’d choose The X Factor over Strictly. Surprising because he is taking part in this year’s Strictly Northampton competition, under the tutelage of a brilliant dance instructor named Doris who, for the third year running, has a politician under her wing.
Binners was first up in 2010, followed by the eminent Professor Glynane last year. With The Mack taking this year’s berth with Doris, 2013 surely beckons for another political colossus, perhaps Norman Hacker in his 70th year or gym slave Mikey Ellis, whose body mass index could be transformed still further following a twirl or three with our Doris.
WE previously reported on Suresh Patel helping to drive the campaign to create St James Parish Council. So it was surprising not a single Tory councillor bothered to show up for the public meeting on the plans. Funny that.
Is Peter “Sven” Bone mellowing? The answer is probably “not that much”, but he has said something nice about the Government. “What a star we have in the Home Secretary”, he told the Commons, in reference to Abu Hamza and the Government winning an opt-out of the EU on crime and policing. He’s now on Twitter as @peterboneMP. Look forward to more of this “Sad, Missed church due spilling hot tea twice and need to take son to tennis. Mrs Bone downloading Archers. Sanity restored!!”